Annual General Meeting – Otway Enduro Club
Our yearly AGM is nearly upon us, the schedule for this meeting is we will run our regular monthly meeting then the current committee will step down and all Executive and General Committee positions will be declared vacant and nominations will be accepted prior to election of the 2022/2023 Executive and General Committee Members. If you want to get involved or have your say in how the club is run then this is your chance to step up.
Dinner: 6.00pm (not compulsory)
Meeting: 7.00 to 9.15pm
Date: Wednesday 16th August 2023
Where: Mt Moriac Country Pub
1115 Princes Highway, Moriac VIC.
Come a little earlier, and have a meal, Wednesday night is steak night. Get a steak and beer for $22.
Who is welcome? Any members who want to participate or get involved with the club.
Rodney Brown